Sunday 9 November 2008

King of Comedy 7/10

Fame seeker Rupert Pupkin (Robert De Niro), pushes hard to get on the TV programme, 'The king of comedy.' Rupert with his friend pushes the barrier and ends up kidnapping the host of the show. After Holding the host at "gun point" Rupert manages to get a slot on the show and is surprisingly impressive. He is then put in jail for the kidnapping. He comes out and he is given his own comedy show. This film is crazy, it "freaked me out" as one of my class mates put it. It shocks me what a man or woman would do just to get on television. The film at the time would be out of the ordinary back when it was made, but now a day's, it's normal. The amount of nutters that get on the TV these days, through programmes like Big Brother is crazy. If it keeps going the way its going we won't be able to trust the t.v. Even though i thought that Rupert was crazy, in the end i was hoping he would get on the TV. Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro they always work well together. In my opinion one of the top films Scorsese has made.  

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