Wednesday 28 January 2009

Coronation Street, 26 jan 09

The main story was about Maria who attacked Tony in a previous episode. Tony's wife (Carla) told the police that maria attacked him. It turns out that Tony killed Maria's husband, thus the retaliation. Maria went to the police and told them that Tony killed again. The police don't believe her. Maria upset and angry by this complication, on the way home, driving in her car, she bumps into Tony, then crashes. Tony is not badly hurt, Maria is shook up and petrified that her baby inside her might not be alive. She goes to the hospital to get checked out. Carla tells the police she did it in purpose. Later Maria at home gets a visit by the C.I.D who accuse her of running over Tony and is charged with attempted murder.

Meanwhile Ken was walking his dog down the canal, when suddenly his dog falls in.
New character Martha saves the dog with a fishing net. Martha after they have been introduced invites Ken back for a bowl of soup. Ken enjoying himself had another bowl of soup followed by another. Finding out about each other Ken didn't correct Martha when she assumed he was single.

Hook 1 - The police have been called.

Hook 2 - Maria's car crash.

Hook 3 - Ken meets Martha.

Hook 4 - Maria may be charged with  attempted murder. 

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