Wednesday 28 January 2009

Coronation Street, 26 jan 09

The main story was about Maria who attacked Tony in a previous episode. Tony's wife (Carla) told the police that maria attacked him. It turns out that Tony killed Maria's husband, thus the retaliation. Maria went to the police and told them that Tony killed again. The police don't believe her. Maria upset and angry by this complication, on the way home, driving in her car, she bumps into Tony, then crashes. Tony is not badly hurt, Maria is shook up and petrified that her baby inside her might not be alive. She goes to the hospital to get checked out. Carla tells the police she did it in purpose. Later Maria at home gets a visit by the C.I.D who accuse her of running over Tony and is charged with attempted murder.

Meanwhile Ken was walking his dog down the canal, when suddenly his dog falls in.
New character Martha saves the dog with a fishing net. Martha after they have been introduced invites Ken back for a bowl of soup. Ken enjoying himself had another bowl of soup followed by another. Finding out about each other Ken didn't correct Martha when she assumed he was single.

Hook 1 - The police have been called.

Hook 2 - Maria's car crash.

Hook 3 - Ken meets Martha.

Hook 4 - Maria may be charged with  attempted murder. 

Saturday 24 January 2009

Nosferatu 6/10

A German horror classic that would bore you to death. Over exaggeration, no doubt I have much respect for the film but it was slightly long. It started off well but I couldn't wait till it finished. Made in the 1920's this vampire silent film was adapted from Bram Stoker' s Dracula (some people would say stolen).

Hutter a real estate agent leaves his wife and travels far up into the mountains to close a sale with Orlock. Despite several warnings from the nearby villagers, he insists that he will go up to Orlock's sinister castle. During dinner with host Orlock, Hutter cuts his finger, Orlock sees this and licks his lips intently. That night Hutter, realizing he is no ordinary person, spies on Orlock who is loading himself in a coffin preparing for his trip to Hutters hometown. Orlock arrives on a boat but most of the crew are dead. There are a few mysterious deaths in the town which the local authorities think it's some sort of plague. But Hutter's wife Knows what's happening and knows the only way to stop Orlock bringing terror to the town, is to keep him entertained till sunrise.

This film is a classic and should be watched when your in the right mood. The make-up and costume design for Orlock is what makes him a famous and unforgettable character. This was definitely a creepy and at moments intense film. The film was full of long shots which made it in my opinion very slow.

Monday 19 January 2009

Coronation Street - Episode - Jan 16 Fri 7:30pm

I'm not particularly a fan of Coronation Street (to be honest i think I've only watched one episode in my entire life and i think i was five). I didn't know any of the character names but i got there in the end. It must be popular if thousands and thousands of viewers watch it each week. It created T.V's 'Appointment Viewing' back in the 60's and it's been running since the sixties, now that's what you call a great idea.

I watched this weeks omnibus episodes (only one of them) last night on television (none of that time shifting). I choose the 7:30 pm viewing to write a synopsis about...

Coronation Street

The morning after the wedding Molly and Tyrone were oblivious that Tyrone's mum had stole their euro tickets to Paris. Once they found out the tickets were missing, Molly's mum remembers that Tyrone's twisted mum was hovering about the wedding gifts at the wedding reception. They have no doubt that she took them.

Elsewhere Steve and Michelle's relationship is on it's last legs. Steve set up Michelle with JD
and JD kissed her. Michelle is distraught when JD told her that Steve set the whole situation up.
Later Lloyd and Steve's mum are messing around. Steve catches them upstairs and is disgusted and forces Lloyd out. In the two men's tussle Lloyd in his anger spurts out in the Pub below that Steve has been having an affair with Becky in front of everyone including Michelle. Michelle realizes that they are not to be. After declaring himself single, Steve goes over to Becky's flat with champagne and flowers. Becky pops her head out the window and realizes that it's Steve knocking at the door. Wearing a pink bra she shouts down, 'I'm with someone!'

Saturday 17 January 2009

Battleship Potempkin 8/10

The story of the Revolution, Battleship Potemkin, a silent film which was made in 1925. The film is set in 1905, during the Russian revolution against the Tsarist regime. On a Russian battleship Sailors rebel against their superiors over extremely poor treatment. As a result a sailor is 'killed over a bowl of soup'. The ship returns to its home port, Odessa, citizens gather and give support to their navy sailors. A Tsarist militia set out to 'control' the situation but kill innocent men, women and children, powerful images of political violence. The navy sailors fire from their battleship in retaliation and destroy the Militia headquarters. Another battleship is sent out to destroy Potemkin. When the battleships are about to battle, Potemkin sends a signal 'Don't fight, join us.' A slide comes up saying 'Brothers' and then soldiers on both sides celebrate.

This film was a stride away from the films that were out at that time. It is often referred as one of the best film ever made. The film shows close-ups of the actors faces who showed phenomenal expression. It is known for fast cutting which built tension especially for the well known baby in the pram sequence which many films have adapted. Battleship Potemkin is a powerful, symbolic film of the Russian Revolution.

Slumdog Millionaire 7/10

Emotional, beautiful and worth every penny. Danny Boyle succeeds in his flashback drama  'Slum Dog Millionaire'. An 18 year old orphan boy (Jamal Malik), from the slums of Mumbai, is one question away from winning 200 million Rupees on the Indian version game show of 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'. Held in custody, (tortured) for the suspicion of cheating. Jamal explains to the police how he knew the answer to each question by reminiscing his childhood.

The actors brought a lot of emotion to the screen, the child actors especially. Some  shots were strange but artistic, it brought tension to the chase scenes, the music also added. There was a continuity error that annoyed me, Jamal was tortured the night before he answered his last question but on the night it didn't look like he had been touched. One of my vivid memories of the film was when Jamal escapes from the toilet (a little shack with a hole in the floor) jumps into a shit pool, it looked so bad that i was holding my nose.  I never thought i would enjoy 'Slum Dog Millionaire'  as much as i did.